Monday, December 27, 2010

The Search

So what is it? Why do I feel so discontented?

Why do I yearn for something more? Why do I ache? The thing that I yearn for is neither tangible or able to be grasped with the naked eye! I am on a quest for the narrow road. I am on a quest to find an almighty creator of which no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no hands have touched because if we were to ever encounter him directly we'd fall dead. I want to know the God of the universe personally! I don't want to take on what others have told me is true. I do no want to take their words for it. I want to experience, and taste and see how good God really is!

Apathy has been the sea I've been swimming in. Disbelief, has been my life jacket. Doubt has been my lighthouse. I need to break free from the concerns of this world, but the more I try and think, the more I don't even know how to break out of this cycle of which we call human nature. Where is GOD? He's never left? But where do I find a being of which I can neither feel nor see? My heart knows and can not deny his existence. But my brain has been filled with nothing but facts and reasoning, and can't seem to grasp a thought of supernatural being. I need more, i need truth, i need life, but I don't need cliché Christian answers. I need GOD! Jesus! The narrow road is a hard one to find and a very difficult one to continue the journey on.  I hope I may find the narrow road and walk accordingly!