Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chaos and Expectation :)

DEEP BREATHS. This is what I have been reminding myself with through this week, day, moments. The  process of leaving a country is very.... hmm... hectic. I am still in the midst of packing. I have overloaded my living room with clothes, suitcases, hair product, shoes, chocolate, fruit snacks, hot cheetos, and sticky rice. They say I may have created a nesting place for snakes and anacondas, with the way I've terrorized the room. I believe I let out the jungle in my folks' apartment. My father refuses to clean the house, until he is sure I am on the plane, so I will not have the opportunity to do further damage. I have been too excited to eat, so I am a little dizzy and disoriented at the moment, but none the less very ENTHUSED! People usually start packing weeks in advanced, well I piled all the advanced weekly packing into one whole day! It's a more subtle adrenaline rush (of which I wish on no one.) So now, I sit and blog though I have a room,  no... an apartment, full of unfinished packed bags, and yes, I sit here though I can hear my friend Chrissy screaming my name aloud, as I choose to ignore her. This is fun.

But to be completely honest, I leave in about  4 hours and I have no finished bags,  I'm not exactly sure what terminal I'm to go to, nor do I know what hotel I'm staying in when I arrive in Bangkok, Thailand. But I shaved my legs and that makes me feel good, but besides the point, I should probably find that stuff out. :) My parents are concerned that I will be trafficked in Bangkok, so I have been reassuring them that I am a lot smarter than I put out. Common sense, is a pretty good friend of mine (I think). I have been told don't talk to strangers and don't take any offers from strangers. I feel five. This is the most scattered brain blog, I've written yet. But I hear my friends a calling and is that a low, rumbling scowl I hear? I should wrap up this nonsensical blog if I actually want to make it out of this house alive.  Yes, I am excited :) God is good. :)