Saturday, May 7, 2011

Love in details (a poem)

I want to be loved! Loved, 'til the last breath that I breathe, engulfed in romance and passion. Why I wait, and choose not to settle is for I wait HIS arrival. The day he steps in and steals every breath my body can muster. The day that all I can do is but not fall without him next to me. The day that my heart dances and skips, fluttering all about as if hundreds of Monarch butterflies has just emerged from their chrysalis home. He is the one I want to sail across oceans with, explore the 7 seas, dance the tango with in Spain, farm with in France, share Risotto with in Italy, mount elephants with in Thailand, lay with on the white sands of the Caribbean. Yes, I wait. I sing songs, and speak words of love as if calling out to him, "Beloved, I am here waiting for you!" I whisper my love in the wind that blows so softly against my face,  hoping that my wind will find and caress him, and carry my whispers so he knows I am here. He will be the one that turns my bitterness into a sweetness, and will carry me through my turmoil. We will not be stopped by the discrepancies of life that threaten to tear mankind apart, but we will work together to build a better world. We will be as iron sharpens iron, looking to the positive, and will share a constance assurance with words of affirmation. Together, we will be free. I will know he's the one by the feelings of liberation in his presence. I will be able to dance around with a crown, embroidered with beautiful carnations and dandelions, as I dance freely in a field of richly colored tulips of all different shades and contrast! Oh, how we would discuss all the subjects one can possibly imagine, and topics would be endless, while still being able to say so much through our silence. Darling, your love is healing! How I wait for you. The one that can make me feel joy through my sorrows, the one that can make me love in anger. I wait for you. I long for you. I may travel all through out this world, but I will wait for you. Come quickly for your beloved waits you. But I must be assured I  to wait for timing must be right. We must walk this road well, so we may live abundantly, together. And here I wait for you.

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